PCDC Launches Updated Website
August 17, 2023
The Phelps County Development Corporation has launched a refreshed website with new photographs, videos and a more prominent retail section.
The new look features the faces of Phelps County people and is intended to be more user-friendly to site consultants and people looking to move to the area.
“It's been several years since we launched the last version of the website, and it's in need of updates,” PCDC Executive Director Ron Tillery said. “Our new website features new content that's refined to the needs of site selection consultants and people who may be looking to relocate. You'll see new photography throughout with an emphasis on people, and the things that make Phelps County special.”
PCDC hired local photographer Mark Kraus Sr. and videographer Brian Gnuse to capture images and videos of life in Phelps County throughout the summer. Some of those images are published on the website already, and more photos and videos will be added soon as the site update is still in progress.
“Over the next few weeks, we'll make additional edits to content and add video modules that provide a more immersive experience,” Tillery said.
Also, with the new partnership with The Retail Coach, PCDC plans to add a more prominent retail section with in-depth reports and information for current and potential new retailers.
The current PCDC website attracts about 2,500 users every quarter with the most views originating from Kearney, Holdrege, Omaha and Chicago. Outside of Nebraska, the states with the highest views to the PCDC website are Texas, Illinois, Virginia, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado and California. High traffic pages are the monthly e-newsletter stories posted to the website and the Available Sites & Buildings page.
A wealth of information is available on the website, including:
- Information on the Phelps County Builders Bureau (local contractors and builders) https://www.phelpscountyne.com/business-services/pcdc-builders-bureau/?cat=Builders+Bureau
- Grant applications for the GO! DREAM and GO! HOME programs https://www.phelpscountyne.com/business-services
- Market Research and Demographic Reports https://www.phelpscountyne.com/site-selectors/market-research/?cat=Market+Research
- A link to local job listings https://www.phelpscountyne.com/phelps-county/workforce-and-careers/start-a-career
- Steps and resources for starting a new business https://www.phelpscountyne.com/business-services/business-education
View the new website at https://www.phelpscountyne.com/