PCDC Campaign Promotes New Crew Subdivision Townhomes
January 25, 2021
A PCDC social media campaign promoting Phelps County housing and job opportunities reached more than 3,000 viewers and resulted in nearly 400 clicks to the PCDC website.
The campaign, which took place in late December and early January, was designed to encourage commuters to purchase homes in Holdrege’s new CREW Subdivision.
“Our goal is to reach people not living here who are either currently employed in Holdrege or would like to be,” PCDC Executive Director Ron Tillery said. “By illustrating this housing opportunity, we might generate interest in the market even if it doesn't end up in a transaction on the featured property.”
Tillery said the campaign targeted Facebook users within a 50-mile radius of Holdrege.
The slogan for the campaign encouraged viewers to “Live Where You Work. Enjoy Life More, In Holdrege.” It featured a photo and floor plan of the new townhomes in the CREW Subdivision and encouraged calls to local Realtors or to Mesner Development, who is currently building homes in the subdivision, for more information.
Mesner constructed 9 duplexes that are available to rent based on income in CREW. All nine are nearly complete and all are rented. A tenth duplex is still under construction and will have two units for sale or rent not based on income.
Also, Mesner is building three townhomes (six units) on the west side of the new subdivision.
The one-level 1,500-square-foot townhomes will have two bedrooms and two bathrooms, vaulted ceilings, a two-car garage and a storm safe room. Appliances will be included.
Cliff Mesner said he does not yet have a date on when the townhomes will be complete.
“We have been planning to have construction completed this spring, but COVID has slowed down all the construction,” he said.
None of the six townhomes had been sold as of mid-January.
Mesner will work with local Realtors to sell the units. PCDC arranged for local Realtors to tour similar townhomes built by Mesner in Hastings.
PCDC’s social media campaign featured a "learn more" button to encourage people to click through to the PCDC website to learn about PCDC’s relocation programs.
PCDC has finalized its GO! HOME relocation incentives for 2021. They will include:
- Down Payment Assistance Grant to Employer: PCDC will match up to $2,500 of any Phelps County employers’ contributions toward an employee’s downpayment on a home. It is designed to assist new or current employees living outside the county to move to Phelps County. PCDC will also grant up to $2,500 to assist any new or current public employee (school, government, etc.) to move to the county.
- Renter’s Assistance Program: PCDC will also offer a one-time $500 grant to help a new or current employee rent a living unit in Phelps County.
PCDC has purchased 19 CREW Subdivision lots and will soon be seeking interest from contractors/developers for the lots.
“It's our intent to price the lots at or near cost as an incentive to generate more housing,” Tillery said. “The lots will be eligible for other PCDC housing assistance, too.”
Tillery said preference will be given to contractors or developers who want to develop multiple lots. Lot costs are negotiable, but the final home price must be below $275,000.
“With the infrastructure already in place, PCDC can convey empty lots that are shovel ready at rock-bottom prices, which is one of the toughest barriers in front of housing developers,” Tillery said.
GO! HOME grant applications are available at: https://www.phelpscountyne.com/phelps-county/relocation-assistance/go!-home-programs