PCDC and Partners Commission Event Center Study
April 3, 2018
A new event center could be in Phelps County’s future.
The Phelps County Development Corporation and a local funding coalition have partnered to hire Core Distinction Group to conduct a market feasibility study to determine if a community convention and event center is needed and could be sustained in Phelps County.
The study will be funded by a group of community organizations and individuals who recognize the perceived potential for a local facility to host special events, celebrations, corporate meetings and seminars. The study will establish the actual market potential and the characteristics of a facility to meet that potential.
PCDC will be scheduling interviews by Core Distinction with community and business leaders and potential users of a facility on Wed., April 18.
Core Distinction will make a recommendation based on interviews, an in-depth in-person market evaluation and by reviewing industry data trends.
For more information about the study or to give input, please contact Ron Tillery (Ron@PhelpsCountyNE.com) or Carley Bruning (Carley@PhelpCountyNE.com) or call PCDC at (308) 995-4148.