Downtown Business Owners Retiring; Seeking New Owner
August 8, 2018
After more than 50 years of work in the print business, Dan and Kyle Imel are planning to stop the presses.
The brothers are looking forward to retirement and are hoping to find a buyer for their print shop, Graphic Arts Shop at 308 East Avenue in downtown Holdrege. The business has been serving area customers for about 80 years.
Graphic Arts has a full line of printing tools, including offset presses, bindery equipment, paper cutters and screen-printing machines. The equipment is used to print business forms, letterhead, envelopes, scale tickets, labels, business cards and decals for vehicles.
“We would like to sell the business and the building together,” Dan said. But, they may be open to selling the building separate.
Dan said he sees potential for the print shop to expand services with the purchase or lease of a digital print machine or high-quality copier.
Fifty Years of Experience
Dan first started working at Graphic Arts while in high school in the 1960s when he designed business cards by setting up blocks of letters - one letter at a time.
Dan and his brother, Kyle, bought Graphic Arts in 1982 from their aunt Margaret O’Shea. Their aunt and Uncle, Ed O’Shea, started the print shop in the late 1940s or early 1950s.
After high school, Dan earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration and returned to work at the shop full time in 1971. In 1974, the business moved to its current location at 308 East Ave. Kyle joined him in the business a few years later.
Much has changed in the printing industry since they started. In the 1980s and 1990s, personal computers changed the world of graphic arts. Advances in software, technology and the internet have also impacted the printing business.
But, Dan said customers still have a need for printed forms and other business materials.
They would like to sell the print shop without ever closing the doors to continue the service to current customers. However, if that doesn’t happen, Dan said he would like his customers to know they will not go without printing services.
“I will have a replacement service available to our customers throughout the entire transition,” Dan said.
Most Graphic Arts customers come from Holdrege and surrounding towns, and both Dan and Kyle are grateful for the support from the community during their years at Graphic Arts Shop.
“We’d like to thank all of our customers for their loyalty over the years and Holdrege as a community for their support of our business,” Dan said.
For More Information
Serious inquiries about purchasing the print shop and building can be directed to Dan at (308) 995-5431 or (308) 991-3452.
Information about this business as well as other buildings for sale in Phelps County can be found at http://www.phelpscountyne.com/phelps/sites-&-buildings/available-buildings.
The Phelps County Development Corporation can connect interested entrepreneurs with the resources they need to become business owners. Contact Carley at (308) 995-4148 or Carley@PhelpsCountyNE.com for more information or visit the website at http://www.phelpscountyne.com/phelps/business-support.