Generating Leads for New Business
November 29, 2016
A Phelps County presence at a worldwide metal fabricating and welding conference in Las Vegas may help generate future business and jobs locally.
PCDC Executive Director Ron Tillery attended the FABTECH show in Las Vegas in November to promote Phelps County to businesses or manufacturers looking to expand and relocate.
FABTECH is described as a “celebration of the strength of manufacturing.” Attendees can see, touch and learn about the latest innovations in the metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing industries. Exhibitors can meet prospects and buyers from around the world.
Nebraska Public Power District hosted the team promoting Nebraska at this year’s event. Seven communities were represented, including Phelps County, Lincoln, Norfolk, Scottsbluff and others.
Tillery said it was important to attend, not only to generate business leads, but also to build relationships.
“We made contacts with companies that have customers or operations in Nebraska to build lasting relationships,” Tillery said. “We’re also inviting others to learn more about Nebraska advantages,”
Tillery said this was his first time attending the FABTECH conference. He noticed a heavy concentration of Great Lakes-based companies.
In addition to meeting company contacts, Tillery also connected with two site selection consultants and shared with them the advantages of doing business in Phelps County.
“We're in the early stages of developing enhanced visibility with decision makers in economic development across multiple business sectors and across the entire country,” Tillery said.
The next steps will involve keeping in touch with leads generated to see if Phelps County might be a good match for their future business development.