GO! Home Programs

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Are you employed in Phelps County but not a current resident? Are you a new or existing resident ready to purchase a new home? Are you interested in renovating houses? Or are you interested in building a house?

We want to help you be a part of one of our great communities. Here are PCDC's programs that can help make that happen:

GO! Home Housing Incentive Programs

New Resident Relocation Grants:

Renter's Relocation Reimbursement Grant


Down Payment Assistance Grant to Employer - New Construction$5,000max match
Down Payment Assistance Grant to Employer - Existing Home


max match
Public Employee Down Payment Assistance Grant to Employerup to $5,000no match
Mobile Home Down Payment Assistance Grantup to $2,500max match

Custom Risk Mitigation Program for Developers:

Renovation Reimbursement Grant, Existing Rental Property$1,500max per unit
Site Improvement / Demolition Reimbursement Grant$2,500match
Residential Code Compliance Grant$2,500max per unit

Download full program details and applications here.

NOTE: Except for the Site Improvement / Demolition Reimbursement Grant, Applicants may only use one PCDC assistance program per address and must comply with detailed guidelines in the applications. Award of financial assistance from PCDC is not guaranteed and the award is dependent upon availability of funds. PCDC may make changes at any time during the life of the programs.