PCDC, Chamber Offer Support for BD Employees
August 15, 2023
PCDC and the Chamber are teaming up to support BD employees affected by the recent announcement that the company is relocating its needle and syringe manufacturing lines.
The Phelps County Development Corporation and the Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce have partnered to make a Nebraska Department of Labor Rapid Response Transition Team available to connect local employers that have job vacancies with displaced BD employees.
“We want to help people whose lives are connected in Holdrege to stay in the community,” HACC Chief Executive Officer Lori Larson said. “We want to help them keep working and supporting their families.”
The decision by BD affects more than 100 positions in Holdrege that will be transitioned elsewhere by Oct. 20. BD will continue to have a smaller presence in Holdrege with its medical device sterilization and microbiology lab services. BD will continue to own and maintain the 405,000sf building and campus that includes embecta, where it produces insulin delivery products.
“We will work with the BD leadership team to supplement services as needed and to work with area employers to communicate potential job openings,” Larson said.
PCDC Executive Director Ron Tillery estimated that there are more than 400 current job vacancies in Phelps County, according to NEworks, a Department of Labor job posting website. Beyond that resource, some people transitioning from employment at BD may want to consider starting their own businesses. Both PCDC and HACC offer programs to support entrepreneurs. More information is available here: https://www.phelpscountyne.com/business-services/financial-assistance/?cat=Loan+Resources.
“There are opportunities in Phelps County for people to stay in the community,” Tillery said. “It is our intention to work closely with the Rapid Response Team, BD, and other regional employers to provide quality opportunities for these displaced workers.
Both Tillery and Larson said they are disappointed by BD’s decision, but most importantly they want to support local BD employees.
The Department of Labor’s Rapid Response Transition Team identifies positions in the area that fit the specific positions being eliminated at BD. The team will assist with resume writing and applying for jobs. Soon, after coordinating with BD, DOL staff will travel to Holdrege from Kearney and Grand Island to meet personally with BD employees affected by the decision.
Local employers with job openings are encouraged to post them on the Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce’s job postings section on its website or at NEworks.nebraska.gov. Larson and Tillery are available to help any employers needing assistance with creating job postings.
Employers that hire displaced workers can earn significant benefits from the Department of Labor amounting to as much as $7,000 per employee hired. More information on this program is available by contacting Randy Kissinger, Regional Reemployment Services Manager, at 308-385-6312, or randy.kissinger@nebraska.gov.
“We care about the people of BD who have contributed so much for more than 57 years, and we want to do everything possible to help them navigate this difficult time,” Tillery said.
For more information, contact Tillery at (308) 995-4148 or Ron@PhelpsCountyNE.com or Lori Larson at (308) 995-4444 or director@holdregechamber.com.