Feb. 28 Annual Meeting Will Celebrate Wins, Brick by Brick
February 22, 2023
“Brick by Brick, Building the Community We Love.”
That is the theme for the Phelps County Development Corporation’s annual meeting from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28, at JB’s Sports Bar & Grill.
PCDC Executive Director Ron Tillery said “Brick by Brick” symbolizes the importance of small wins that lead to bigger wins.
Small wins are existing businesses that build on their performance every day and new businesses that start up and grow the economy little by little.
“Winning the big competition for a new business is great, and worth celebrating, but so are the smaller wins,” Tillery said.
At the annual meeting, PCDC will elect new and returning board members and will recognize retiring board member Tim Rehm for more than 20 years of service.
Six names are on the ballot for election, including current board members Nate DeWald, Jared Engelbert, Grant Hinze, Reed McClymont and Chris McQuillan. One new name is also on the ballot, Allison Fritsche. Investors are to elect six board members from the six candidates or propose a write-in candidate.
Also at the meeting, incoming Board President Shane Westcott will give a brief look-ahead at what’s coming up for PCDC in 2023. Outgoing Board President Phil Hinrichs will be recognized for his leadership over the past few years.
Hinrichs will select this year’s recipient of the President’s Priceless Pick Award. That award is given annually to someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in economic development.
Tillery said this year’s annual meeting breaks from the traditional evening event. He said the noon meeting may be more convenient for investors.
Although it’s a business meeting, PCDC has some fun planned as well with team-building activities involving Legos.
“Each table will be asked to work together to build something out of Legos,” Tillery said. “This symbolizes how each brick in a foundation adds strength to the overall structure. Every business, every person is a brick in our community, our economy.”
All PCDC investors and community elected officials are welcome to attend the meeting. It is an opportunity to learn more about PCDC's activities and plans for the future.
A complimentary lunch of prime rib or chicken fried steak will be served. Please RSVP by calling the PCDC office at (308) 995-4148 or by emailing Stacy@PhelpsCountyNE.com.