Phelps County, Nebraska County-Wide Housing Study, Surveys Underway
June 1, 2022
The Phelps County Development Corporation (PCDC) is preparing a County-Wide Housing Study for Phelps County, Nebraska, including each Community and the rural areas of the County. The Assessment will highlight current demographic and economic statistical data, local housing unit “target demand” and a five year “Housing Action Plan” for new housing development and existing housing rehabilitation activities. PCDC is being assisted by Hanna:Keelan Associates, P.C., a Lincoln, Nebraska-based community planning and research consulting firm. Funding partners for the study include: PCDC, City of Holdrege, Phelps County, Allmand / Briggs & Stratton, Becton Dickinson, Bruning Bank, and Central Valley Irrigation.
“The availability of a broad range of housing choices is crucial for the growth of our communities,” said Ron Tillery, PCDC’s executive director. “Since 2016 Holdrege and Phelps County have engaged in several housing development activities that led to positive growth rates in Holdrege and Loomis. PCDC prioritizes creation of more housing for both home owners and renters since that’s where jobs sleep.”
A series of citizen participation programs and Surveys will be implemented in Phelps County, to gather information regarding housing strengths, issues, opportunities and needs in the County. The Survey process will include the following opportunities for local input:
- A “County-Wide Housing Survey” will be available to all citizens of the County and surrounding area. Topics will include identifying barriers/impediments to fair and affordable housing, identification of County-wide housing needs and support for utilizing local, State and Federal grant dollars for housing development and rehabilitation programs. The Survey will be advertised on the PCDC website, as well as other local websites and social media outlets. Click here to participate in this survey: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sv/MAz4psW
- A “Workforce Housing Needs Survey” will be made available to persons employed at select businesses and industries in Phelps County. The Survey will identify workforce housing needs and wants among local employees.
- An “Employer Housing Assistance Survey” will be made available to Presidents/CEOs and other major employer representatives to identify existing housing partnership and support programs being offered, as well as potentially creating public-private partnerships for the implementation of new housing-related programs.
- A “Housing Stakeholder Survey” will be made available to providers of specialized housing facilities and services (skilled nursing/assisted living, developmental disabilities, emergency housing, temporary & homeless shelters, Housing Authority, etc.), as well as local housing developers, contractors and funding organizations. The goal of this Survey is to identify housing needs for specific populations and creating partnerships for new housing development and implementation programs in Phelps County.
Surveys will be available for completion until Friday, June 24th. Completed Housing and Workforce Surveys will be eligible for one of six $50 Gas Cards.
For questions regarding the Housing Study, or to request participation in a Survey program, please contact Ron Tillery, Executive Director, PCDC, at 308-995-4148.