New Baseball/Softball Complex Will Be Worth the Wait
May 22, 2019
Dreams of playing baseball and softball this summer on Holdrege’s new complex will have to wait as weather and other problems have delayed the progress.
But, City Administrator Bob Rager said it will be worth the wait once it’s completed.
“It’s going to be real nice,” Rager said.
Dirt work on the new complex on 18th Street near the new elementary school began one year ago, and Rager had hoped that major work could have been completed last summer. But, that didn’t happen. Last summer’s accomplishments included the dirt/grading work and installation of water and sewer lines.
Construction finally began on the restrooms/concession stand building in early May of this year. Rager said the building will include women’s and men’s restrooms, a family restroom, a small room for umpires, a mechanical room, a storage room and concession stand. A large concession window will open to the south, and a smaller window will open on the west. Bierman Contracting of Columbus is the contractor for this portion of the project.
Rager said the city is spending a little extra money to place four canopies to shelter picnic tables on each side of the building.
The complex will include four fields with the concession/restroom building at the center.
Rager said the initial $2 million price tag on the complex has already grown to $3.5 million, but the city is still committed to the project.
The Phelps County Development Corporation has committed approximately $1 million in LB840 sales tax funds to help pay for the project.
Once the building is complete, Rager said more dirt work/grading will need to be completed. Other work that has yet to be completed includes lighting, fencing, sprinkler systems, dugouts and grass seeding.
Rager has previously said he hoped the fields would have been ready for play this summer. But weather and engineering changes have delayed the project. He declined to estimate when the fields would be ready for play.