New Housing Program Helps Renters Call Phelps County Home
September 20, 2018
PCDC has expanded its GO! Home program to include a $1,000 grant for new renters.
The Employee Relocation Renter’s Program provides an incentive to encourage commuting employees or new employees to rent homes or apartments in Phelps County.
“This is all part of our efforts to turn commuters into full-time Phelps County residents,” PCDC Executive Director Ron Tillery said.
A 2016 study indicated that of the 4,590 jobs in Phelps County, nearly half (or 2,177 jobs) are filled by workers who live outside of the county. A later housing study showed that 62 percent of commuters would consider moving to Phelps County.
“We want to give those commuters every opportunity to find a home in Phelps County,” Tillery said.
The initial GO! Home program included a down-payment assistance grant for employees who purchase homes in the county. PCDC would match an employer’s grant of up to $2,500 for employees purchasing homes. In the first year of the program, 46 people moved to the county as a result of the program.
However, Tillery said that many employees are not in a position to purchase a home, but they may still need some assistance or an extra incentive to move.
With the new renter program, the employee must sign a one-year lease in Phelps County to qualify. The employer completes the grant application on behalf of the employee, and the grant is paid to the employer. Grants may be used for moving expenses, rent, deposits or other uses outlined by the employer.
The great news is that after the one-year lease, the employee could also be eligible for the down-payment assistance grant to purchase a home.
For more information or to view a grant application for the Employee Relocation Renter’s Program, please visit the PCDC website at!-home-programs.