Don Kraus, GM for CNPPID, is Retiring After 45-years of Service
July 23, 2018
Don Kraus, general manager of The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District (CNPPID), is retiring in January after working for the CNPPID for over forty-five years (Potter, 2018). His retirement brings his illustrious career to a close. Having first earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, he became a licensed professional engineer in the state of Nebraska over four decades ago. Don started his career with the CNPPID as an electrical engineer and has served the organization in various capacities. Through his role as general manager, he managed a team of employees and oversaw CNPPID’s delivery of irrigation water to more than 109,000 acres in south central Nebraska, while also generating hydroelectric power with the capacity to produce 113 megawatts of electricity.
His approach to management has been to listen to the needs of the community and his employees. This approach has made it possible for the CNPPID to address key water issues within the region. “It is important to listen to your customers and take care of your employees,” he said, when asked about his approach to management. “You rely on both. It is also very important to build relationships with others who have responsibilities to manage water resources” (Kraus receives Four States’ Headgate Award, 2017).
Notable projects
Under Don’s leadership, CNPPID’s completed projects to provide benefits for groundwater recharge, recreation, and improvements to the fish and wildlife habitat (Kraus receives Four States’ Headgate Award, 2017).
Partnering with the University of Nebraska’s Nebraska Water Center to plan and manage the annual water and natural resources summer tour.
Four State Irrigation Council’s 2017 Nebraska Headgate Award
Community service
Don has served the community in other capacities as well. In addition to chairing the Platte River Cooperative Hydrology Study and being a board member of the Natural Resource Commission, he has been president of the:
• Nebraska Chapter of the National Society of Professional of Engineers
• Nebraska Power Association
• Groundwater Foundation
Thank you to Don Kraus
Don’s impact on Phelps County has been felt for several decades and will continue to be felt well into the future. As President Dudley Nelson of Axtell said, “Under Don’s leadership, Central has advanced by leaps and bounds in technology and other ways” (Potter, 2018). On behalf of the entire county, we want to thank Don for his service.
Kraus receives Four States’ Headgate Award. (2017, January 27). Retrieved from Nebraska Water Center
Potter, L. (2018, May 8). CNPPID’s Don Kraus to retire with 45 years under belt. Retrieved from Kearney Hub