True Grit Americans Describe Large Portion of Phelps County Residents
February 22, 2018
PCDC has contracted with Buxton Co. to provide statistics and marketing help to area retailers and service providers. In their initial study of Phelps County shoppers, the company has identified the four unique customer segments that are dominant in Phelps County:
- True Grit Americans (17 percent)
- Older, Middle-Class, Town & Country Communities
- Practical Priorities, Blue-Collar Jobs, Live Within Means
- Settled & Sensible (11 percent)
- Older, Middle-Class Empty-Nesters
- Retired, Modest Spending, Humble Living
- Stock Cars & State Parks (9 percent)
- Middle-Aged, Middle-Income Couples.
- Conservative Views, Country living, Outdoor Activities, Blue-Collar
- Diapers & Debit Cards (8 percent)
- Young, Working-Class Families and Single Parents
- Early Childrearing Years, Rural Living, Bargain Hunters
Buxton representatives said this information should help retailers understand who their customers are and how to better target them. The reports can go into further depth and reveal what types of marketing works best for each demographic. For instance, while direct mail and television advertising are effective for Boomers, email and digital advertising work better to target shoppers in their late twenties.
Stay informed on further statistics and information from Buxton by signing up for PCDC’s monthly e-newsletter. Sign up here: