City of Holdrege Updating Comprehensive Plan, “Citizen Survey” Being Distributed
February 1, 2018
The City of Holdrege Comprehensive Plan is being prepared, under the direction of Bob Rager, City Administrator, and the assistance of the Holdrege Planning Commission and Hanna:Keelan Associates, P.C., a Nebraska based community planning and research consulting firm. The new Comprehensive Plan will include an analysis on existing land use, zoning, public facilities, utilities and transportation, as well as the preparation of Community planning goals and action steps for a 10-year planning period.
An extensive Citizen Participation Program will consist of a Holdrege “Citizen Survey” and a Community Planning Open House. The Community is asked to participate in the Citizen Survey, which will be made available on the City of Holdrege website ( and the Phelps County Development Corporation website ( The survey must be completed by Friday, February 16th and can be accessed directly by clicking the following link: