Boehler Proud to Serve County with Great People
March 8, 2017
Janet Boehler has spent her entire life in Phelps County, growing up in Loomis and now living and working in Holdrege. That’s plenty of time to realize one of Phelps’s County’s greatest assets – its people.
“We have a lot of commitment and loyalty in this community,” she said. “I think everybody in this community wants to help.”
Janet is one of those people who loves to serve and will now be sharing her time and talents, along with other dedicated Phelps County residents, as a member of the Phelps County Development Corporation’s board of directors. She was elected to the position at the February annual meeting.
“This is a great community,” Janet said. “To continue to keep it great and continue to improve and create value, it takes people to commit to help reach that goal. If I can contribute in some way that can make a positive difference, I'm willing to do my part.”
Janet said one of current challenges facing the county is the poor commodity prices in the agricultural sector, which is a large part of the county’s economy.
“It puts a little hindrance on things short term,” she said.
Job creation is another challenge.
In addition to the generous and caring people, Janet said Phelps County has all the right infrastructure - great schools, a great hospital and great facilities, like the YMCA.
“Now, we just need to get the jobs to get people here,” she said.
Janet has attended her first PCDC board meeting and is looking forward to getting started helping where she can.
“While I'm on the board, if I can see things that have been completed through my time of service, I will feel a sense of accomplishment and that my time served has been beneficial,” she said. “I just hope to encourage others to help us work together to make Phelps County a better place.” ?
Janet’s work experience includes more than 20 years in human resources, working at Artistic Woven Labels and Allmand Bros. She now works with Roger Allmand at Legacy Purpose as the business manager.
Janet is married to John Boehler, Branch President at Bruning State Bank. Together they have five children and 12 grandchildren ranging in age from 8 months to 14 years.
Janet has many years of experience as a community volunteer, including serving on the Trinity Church Trustee Board, volunteering to deliver Meals on Wheels meals, serving as a past Holdrege Area Chamber of Commerce Board Member and Ambassador and as a member of the Loomis School Board and the Loomis E-Free Church Board.