Farm Equipment and Distribution
July 4, 2016
With open fields as far as the eye can see, it is no wonder that Nebraska is so big in the Ag Industry. In Phelps County there are more than a handful of established businesses in the field, with an infrastructure prepared to handle more.
Looking to manufacture and distribute your product from the same location, or establish your company’s headquarters amidst a robust agricultural industry? All it takes is a phone call to see how your business can join the existing network of Phelps County businesses.
For an example of what exists within the Phelps County network, take a look at Hawkins Manufacturing (http://www.hawkinsmfg.com), a company that builds short-line row crop farm equipment, or MMI International (http://www.mixerfeeders.net/default.htm), which distributes mixer-feeder equipment for the cattle industry from its corporate headquarters in Holdrege.
In fact, Holdrege is home to multiple corporate headquarters: LandMark International (http://www.landmarkimp.com/), a John Deere Implement Dealer, and AgWest Commodities, a brokerage, both operate several branches from Holdrege.
To learn how your business might find a home in Phelps County, be sure to visit our website here: http://phelpscountyne.com/phelps