Just the Place to Meet People and Get Involved
In Phelps County, if you want to get to know people, get involved in one of our dozens of clubs and organizations. Whether you’re into history, gardening, genealogy, sports, scouting, farming, community service or many other interests, there’s a group in Phelps County that will welcome your participation with open arms.
Phelps County Clubs and Organizations
American Legion Auxiliary
A women’s patriotic organization supporting the ideals of the American Legion. Members are veterans or direct relatives of veterans.
American Red Cross Kearney Chapter
Provides disaster relief, volunteer training, and emergency communications as well as organizing mobile Blood Bank donation events in Holdrege several times a year.
BPO Does #161
The women’s organization supporting the Holdrege BPO Elks Lodge.
Crime Stoppers of Holdrege & Phelps Co.
A program designed to help solve crimes, it involves the community in doing so by asking the public to supply leads and information that may assist in solving such crimes.
Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 15
Advocates for and supports disabled veterans; organizes volunteer drivers for a van taking veterans to the Grand Island VA Hospital.
Holdrege Area Genealogy Club
The Genealogy Club's research information is located at the Nebraska Prairie Museum. Genealogists can visit the library to do research or the club can do requested research for a small fee.
Holdrege Baseball Club, Inc.
A program of the Prairie Sports Association.
Holdrege Cub Scouts, Pack 220
Local chapter of the Cub Scouts of America.
Holdrege BPO Elks Lodge #2062
Local chapter of the national fraternal organization.
Holdrege Future Farmers of America
Developing high school students’ potential for leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Holdrege Literacy Council
The Council supports the Adult Basic Ed/GED program and other literacy activities.
Holdrege Optimist Club
Optimist Clubs are serious about "Bringing Out the Best in Kids" and do their part through community service programs. The Holdrege chapter operates football, volleyball, and wrestling for elementary school-aged children, oratorical and essay contests, Toys for Tots, and award scholarships among other community service programs.
Holdrege Rotary Club
Rotary’s purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
Holdrege Soccer Club
A program of the Prairie Sports Association.
National Sod House Society
Housed at the Nebraska Prairie Museum, this group celebrates all things “sod house”, the first housing in Nebraska made with blocks of prairie soil.
Phelps County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Court Appointed Special Advocates for children. Volunteers are trained to speak for children in the court system.
Phelps County Community Foundation
Encourages and provides opportunities for charitable giving; the Foundation manages and distributes funds for a variety of education scholarships and for grants to fund large and small projects that enhance the community. View Website
Phelps County Community Watch Program
Local chapter of the Neighborhood Watch program.
Phelps County Fair Board
Stages the Phelps County Fair every July.
Phelps County Historical Society
Supports the Nebraska Prairie Museum.
Phelps County Ministerial Association
A networking organization for the county’s ministers.
Phelps Memorial Service League
The League sponsors special fundraising projects such as book sales and Christmas cookie sales to purchase special equipment for the hospital.
Prairie Players of Phelps County
John Titus • (308) 995-4102
Home grown thespians! Plays and musicals are staged on an occasional schedule.
Prairie Sports Association
Their mission is to provide safe and friendly environment for youth and adults to participate in local baseball, soccer and softball programs while encouraging economic growth for the community.
The Tassel Coordination Council
Manages The Tassel performing arts facility, in cooperation with the Holdrege Public Schools. Visit Website
Tre Kroner Scandinavian Society
Designers of the annual Midsommarfest (otherwise known as Swedish Days) held each June in Holdrege. These Swedes oversee election of the Swedish Royalty who preside over the celebration.